Cognition of Ascetic and Amorous Mysticism in Islam
Dr. Farajolah Barati, Dr.Maryam Bakhtyar

Main goal of cognition approach is restoration and discovery of "semantics" in Humanism and interpretation of surrounding phenomenon regarding to its center. Cognition of ascetic and amorous mysticism in Islam dates back to cognition of Islam's monotheistic religion. In Islam's monotheistic structure, God is sublimate of universe naturally, and regarding to quality his manifestation is apparent in universe. Because of God's nature sublimation, human's unity with God's nature is impossible. Therefore, the only way of human relation to God is God's smart qualities. But God's smart qualities are not established in the nature of "I" and not in the nature of "the other" but manifests among I and “the other” in "Third zone of human qualities". This zone is interpreted as "structure of monotheistic socialism" which has stages and approaches, as it initiates from law stage and then, it achieves to maturity stage and ultimately to mysticism. In Islamic mysticism, ascetic approach in addition to leaving world affairs seeks for unity with God's nature, but amorous approach interprets world as the arena of God's qualities manifestations and a bed for human and God's courtship. This present paper attempts to examine and criticize reaction of these two mystical approaches versus monotheistic structure of Islam.

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