The Perspective of Qur’an on Khilāfah: Its Implementation towards The Contemporary Political System
Bunyamin, Firdaus

The holy Qur'an has introduced a political institution called the khilāfah. This can be understood in the context of the appointment of Prophet Dawūd as the caliph, as stated in QS Ṣād/38: 26. Addition, several terms in the Qur'an were found formed from the same roots as the khilāfah, such as khalā‟if ,khulafā‟, and istakhlafa. In practical politics, the institution of the khilāfah began when Abū Bakr al-Ṣiddīq was elected as a political leader after the Prophet Muhammad died. This continued with several dynasties in power after Khulafā 'al-Rasyidīn. This institution devastated when Mustafa Kemal Attaturk abolished the khilāfah system on October 1923. Nowadays, the discourse of re-establishing the khilāfah institution appears among some groups of Moslems. Yet, the raising discourse in fact did not get a response from the majority Moslem countries. ISIS which is trying to build a khilāfah institution, furthermore, has been silenced by coalition forces.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jisc.v9n1a1