Global Terrorism and Islamic Radicalization: Analyses from Fethullah Gulen’s Perspective
Dr. Recep Dogan

Terrorism and Islamic radicalization has become a major concern for every citizen of the world in this day and age. The acts of terror has perpetrated across the borders of nations and caused global unrest, fear and uncertainty. The recent terrorist attacks at Paris brought our attention once again to radical Islam and terrorism. People from different parts of life have become more curious as to whether Islam is the source of these violent attacks or is it the marginal groups who misinterpret it, in spite of the majority of Muslims who oppose them. Terrorism is a crime against humanity and it does not belong to any religion although Islam and terrorism have been used as synonymies by some scholars and media groups. The phrase „Islamic terror‟ is an insult to Muslims all over the world for they denounce all forms of terrorism and condemn it with a strong language. Indeed, some radical groups utilize this approach to encourage some ignorant youths to join them. It is imperative that we make a stand against all forms of terror by promoting the views of moderate Islamic scholars. In this essay, we examine terror, its definition and Islamic perspective on terror on the basis of primary sources; interpretation of Islam by radical groups and their contradictions; the status of terrorists in Islam; the notion of jihad in Islam and it‟s misinterpretation by extreme groups, Islamic radicalization and its analyses. We discuss these issues from the perspective of Fethullah Gulen, prominent contemporary scholar. The essay concludes with a need for moderate Muslim scholars who advocate universal human values, democracy and dialogue amongst different cultures, faiths and ethnic groups to promote world peace. Fethullah Gulen is an Islamic thinker, community leader and social advocate who dedicated his life to dialogue and mutual respect amongst different cultures and religions to promote world peace and universal human values. Due to his great effect on people, he was named as one of Time Magazine‟s 100 most influential people in the world in 2013 and was also recognized as a scholar who preaches a message of tolerance in global scale. The Economist described him as „a farm boy on the world stage‟.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jisc.v5n2a1