Engin Aksu
Journal of Islamic Studies and Culture, 1(1), pp. 60-62.

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Aksu, Engin (2013). SURAH AL-MAIDA, VERSE. Journal of Islamic Studies and Culture, 1(1), pp. 60-62.

H. Galip Hasan Kuşçuoğlu, (2010), Muhtaç Olduğumuz Kardeşlik, Uludağ Yay., Bursa, ss.41-43

Kuşçuoğlu, a.g.e., ss.166-167.

Kuşçuoğlu, a.g.e., s.16.

Engin Aksu is a Turkish teacher in Kütahya City in Ümran Aygen Post Primary School.He entered Kütahya Dumplupınar University Turkish Language and Literature in 1994. In 1998, he graduated with the thesis, 'Mystical Elements of the Şeyhi Diwan' In 2000, he had gained the right to make Masters study in the same University. In 2002, he graduated with the thesis,' Transcription of Ahmet Rasim's novel called 'Muharrir,Şair,Edip'.

In 2007, his novel, 'Divine Brotherhood' was published in USA. Also, his essays; 'dialogue between the Sharias' and 'real faith' have been published on the journal called International Journal of Humanities and Social Science.
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