The Relationship Between the Sharicah, Tariqah, Haqiqah and Macrifah by Wan Sulaiman b Wan Siddik , a 19th Malay Sufi Scholar in the Malay world.
Muhammad Khairi Mahyuddin, Professor Dato’ Zakaria Stapa, Associate Prof. Faudzinaim Badaruddin
Journal of Islamic Studies and Culture, 1(1), pp. 01-11

This paper utilizes a content study to clarify the concepts and relationship between sharicah, tariqah, haqiqah, and macrifah by Wan Sulaiman b. Wan Siddik, a Malay Sufi scholar in 19th in the Malay world. He clarifies these four terminologies in his epistle Mizan al-uqala’ wa al-udaba’ due to many misconceptions about this matter by his Sufi Malay local. The impact of misconceptions causes some Sufi local Malay to discount sharicah as outward skin by giving preference to tariqah, haqiqah, and macrifah as these three are the kernel of sharicah. At the end, the study singles out that these four terminologies are one substance of the sharicah and no dichotomy to disconnect its teaching to each other and no contradictory and distinction from the sharicah as the holistic teaching. The differences only rely upon to its expressions and terminologies utilized for the sake of clarity.

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Muhammad Khairi Mahyuddin was a senior lecturer in Faculty of Leadership and Management in Islamic Science University Malaysia. He obtained his BA (1999-2002) and MA (2004-2006) in Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Heritage, specialization in Usul Al-Din and Comparative Religion at International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). Now, he is a Ph.D candidate at the Faculty of Islamic Studies in the Department of Usuluddin and Philosophy (2009-2013) at National University Malaysia. He is nowadays in the final stage of thesis submission.

During his work at USIM, he is active in teaching graduate and postgraduate students. He had participated in teaching a course of rehabilitation of drug abuse from religious perspective for post graduate diploma program for alcohol and drug abuse from 2007-2009. His contribution in that field, drives him to be appointed as a fellow researcher in the Asian Center for Research on Drug Abuse (ACREDA) for two years (2013-2015). Beside that, he also has been appointed as a reviewer of religious publications for the Malaysia Department of Islamic Development (JAKIM) for two years as well (2013-2015).Currently he is appointed as a head of Da’wah and Islamic Management Program at the Faculty of Leadership and Management for two years from 2013-2015

Corresponding Author
Muhammad Khairi Mahyuddin
Faculty of Leadership and Management
Islamic Science University Malaysia
Bandar BaruNilai,
71800 Nilai, Negeri Sembilan
+6012 9069830
Email. [email protected]
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