Intuitional Insight in Islamic Mysticism
Maryam Bakhtyar
Journal of Islamic Studies and Culture, 1(1), pp. 63-70.

Intuitional insight or mystical cognition is a different insight from common, concrete and intellectual insights. This kind of insight is not achieved by visionary contemplation but by recitation of God, selfpurification and mystical life. In this insight there is no distance or medium between subject of cognition and its object and they have a sort of unification, unison and incorporation. As a result, knowledgeable consider this insight as direct, immediate and personal. the goal of this insight is God, cosmos’ creatures and generally inner and hidden aspect of world that is nothing except God’s manifestations in the view of mystics.AS our common cognitions have diversity and stages, intuitional insight also has diversity and levels. As our senses are divided to concrete and rational, mystical discovery is divided to superficial discovery and spiritual one. Based on Islamic mystics, the preferable way in knowing God and belief to him is intuitional insight. There are two important criteria for evaluating mystical intuition especially for beginner mystics of intellect and revelation. Indeed, conclusion and brief evaluation of Islamic mystics’ viewpoint is the main subject of this paper.

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Bakhtyar, Maryam. (2013). Intuitional Insight in Islamic Mysticism. Journal of Islamic Studies and Culture, 1(1), pp. 63-70.

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Maryam Bakhtyar
Faculty member of Islamic Azad University
Ahvaz Branch
Humanities Department
Ahvaz, Iran.

She has composed and compiled 5 books on mysticism and one book on general Persian language.
She has participated and presented 17 papers in different international conferences in different countries.
She has published 13 papers in different international Journals in Humanities.